Are you interested in partnering with Global Faith as an Intern, a Project Partner, or a full-time Missionary?  There are many areas of ministry opportunity with Global Faith Mission Agency.  If you are spiritually led to serve in one of these ministries, please contact us for more information at

  • Church Planting

    Church planting is an essential component of Biblical missions as demonstrated in the book of Acts by the ministries of Paul, Barnabas, Silas and other first century pioneer missionaries.  Church planting is needed in both urban and rural areas and requires time, dedication and long-term commitment.

  • Deaf Ministry

    David and Sarah Booth are church planters in the country of Portugal. Their area of service includes planting churches for the hearing and for the deaf population of Montijo, Portugal.

  • Disability Ministry

    Individuals with disabilities make up fifteen percent of the world's population.

    Global Faith partners with missionaries and nationals to reach this underserved community with the gospel through practical assistance, evangelistic outreach, and equipping local churches to serve.  

    Global Faith partners with Camp Refuge On Wheels in Brazil.  CAMP REFUGE ON WHEELS

  • Education

    Educational ministries on the field are varied. Potential areas of ministry include the following:

    • Elementary education
    • Secondary education
    • Bible Institutes
    • Modular Pastoral Training Programs

    Missionary personnel involved in educational ministries are responsible for raising their financial support. 

  • Internships

    College students and young adults who desire to engage in missions for a longer period of time can take advantage of our Internship program.
    Mission Internships allow for greater exposure to culture and ministry activity; this, in turn, is effectual in helping the intern determine if he/she is called of God to a particular ministry or location. 

  • Medical Missions

    Through meeting the physical needs of people, doors are opened for meeting spiritual needs. Currently, there are two opportunities in medical ministries with Global Faith:

    • Global Faith missionaries operate a Physician's Assistant school in Liberia. Through this school, Liberians are trained to minister the gospel to their country through medical training.
    • The Life Pediatric Ministry in Santiago, Dominican Republic is a pediatric clinic that treats economically underprivileged children.
  • Project Partner Ministry

    Project Partners are able to focus on a specific ministry activity of which they are passionate about for periods of time longer than traditional mission trips; they may be able to engage in these ministry activities multiple times in a calendar year.

    The Project Partner is not a career missionary and therefore does not raise financial support for livelihood; however, the Project Partner can raise funds for the particular ministry in which he/she is engaged.
    Most of our Project Partners are individuals who have retired and are capable of engaging in their particular ministry activity for prolonged periods of time.