David & Sarah BOoth

Missionaries in Portugal

David and Sarah Booth having been serving near Lisbon, Portugal since 2010. Their main areas of service include planting churches for the hearing and for the deaf, and teaching others through child evangelism, youth ministry, camp outreach, Bible studies, Sunday School, and seminary classes. They have two children, Laura and Samuel, and are grateful to be serving the Lord in Portugal.

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Give to the Booth Family

  • David & Sarah Booth

    David and Sarah Booth having been serving near Lisbon, Portugal since 2010. Their main areas of service include planting churches for the hearing and for the deaf, and teaching others through child evangelism, youth ministry, camp outreach, Bible studies, Sunday School, and seminary classes. They have two children, Laura and Samuel, and are grateful to be serving the Lord in Portugal.


    Give to the Booths

  • When we open our front door and look up and down the street, we don’t know of anyone else in sight who is saved.

  •  Would you pray for this lady, Fátima, that she would be saved and find in Jesus all the hope her broken heart needs.

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