The Global Faith blog has insight from missionaries on the field,
our director, office staff, as well as outside contributors.
The Global Faith blog has insight from missionaries on the field,
our director, office staff, as well as outside contributors.
From Sexual Grooming to Freedom
In recent months, our church has been profoundly impacted by the story of a young woman named Ana. She was invited once to church by Jessica, one of our dedicated young adult leaders. Ana attended our services a few times but was hesitant to fully surrender her life to the Lord.
What Is Ramadan?
While we know that no amount of fasting, prayer, or good works will help them attain salvation, we are praying that God would use this time to work in their hearts to seek the truth of the Gospel.
"How Do I Understand?"
God's Callings Are His Enablements
Am I capable of doing the task to which God has called me? Am I prepared enough? Do I have the necessary ability? Will I fail in my mission?
A Mother's Love & Determination
At just one year and seven months old, Gabrielle has already faced significant health challenges. His mother, Dalvani Maria Silva, shared the heartbreaking story of how her son, once healthy, experienced a severe asthmatic crisis at nine months old that led to his current condition.
Celebrating more baptisms!
We recently celebrated the baptisms of two more followers of Christ. They were baptized on a rainy, yet joyful, Saturday afternoon. During the Sunday morning worship service the next day, the church was able to watch the videos and celebrate with our brother and sister in Christ.
Judy Sirmon's Story
A mother of eight and her 8-year-old daughter Marylin formed the duo that God used to give Judy, their youngest family member, the belief that she was born for a specific purpose. Judy Sirmons, Global Faith Mission Agency missionary to France for 53 years, was a direct answer to prayer for Marylin. When Marylin--already a believer at 8--learned that Santa Claus was not real, she wondered if perhaps Jesus didn’t really exist either. In childlike faith and unbeknownst to anyone, she asked God to send her a baby sister if He really did exist. The “obstacle” to this request was that Marylin’s mother had been warned not to have more children as it would endanger both her and the baby’s life.
The Caymanian Songtress
When I was 12 years old, our family walked into Bethel Baptist Church in Spot Bay, Cayman Brac for the
first time; it was February, 1969. We had just arrived on the island to which God had led my parents to
begin their missionary ministry. As we drove up to the church, we heard singing; no musical
instruments—just singing. Beautiful choruses with a distinct Caribbean flavor rang out in praise to God.
And one voice rose above all the rest—a strong, mezzo soprano that led the congregation from one
chorus to the next.
Emily Puckett, GFMA missionary to Panama, shares: “This is a story built on ice cream, Colombian pesos,
intentionality, Covid, and God’s faithfulness to each one whom He has called to serve in His field.”
God’s Word is full of stories about connections. Andrew introduced his brother Peter to Christ. The
Apostle Paul connected with husband/wife team Aquila and Priscilla who in turn connected with
Apollos, a gifted teacher but in need of having the way of God explained to him more accurately.
God continues to connect people today!
From Germany To The End Of The Earth
Roy and I sat at dinner with GFMA Project Partners Jess and Anne Kerley, along with Anne’s German-
born mother Ingeborg Meiburg Weaver who is currently 97 years old. Succumbing to my interest in
names and origins, I asked Mrs. Inge about her name. (Later as I researched the origin of the name
“Ingeborg,” I found it means “to help, save, rescue.”)
Ashley Moore In Panama
Ashley Moore took a few minutes to recall God’s leading to Panama and how it started with a prayer to find a friend who was like-minded and strong in her faith. God answered that prayer when she met Emily Puckett on a missions trip to Guatemala. Ashley was also praying about becoming a missionary. Her story is simple in the sense that there were no lightning bolts from heaven or parting of the clouds. Instead, she prayerfully made plans to go to the mission field. Then she and Emily decided to go to Panama where Emily had served in the past, and where Clifford and Mary Suddeth have planted a church.
New Identity College Ministry
It probably won't be a shock that Generation Z isn't very supportive of religion. A recent study by Springtide Research Institute showed these American 13 to 25-year-olds might still check a box regarding a religious affiliation, but that half of them surveyed don't trust organized religion. But Van and Anna Ferguson are trying to help change that trend with their ministry to college age young adults called New Identity. Van said a lot of high school graduates end up leaving the church for a variety of reasons. Sometimes they just move or go away to college and don't find a local church. He and Anna hope to change this.
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The Forbes: Graham & Melinda
What is church revitalization? The Forbes would say it's about remembering the original vision of the church and helping restore that. "Somewhere along the line, they’ve lost their way, their passion, their direction. They’ve lost their purpose," Graham said. So Graham and Melinda seek to provide solid biblical teaching and use that foundation to help them remember their purpose of discipling and edifying believers for the glory of God.